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Year of the Dragon
Saturday, February 11, 2012
BE FIERCE! Linocut
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Blog Archive
Dragon and Dragonfly: Rubber Block Print
Eye of Newt, Wing of Dragon: Hand Tinted Embossing
'Dragon-Bot' - Etching Construction
'Celtic Dragon' - Linocut on Handmade Paper
'Leonard's Dragon' - Etching
Dragon: Silkscreen
A Dragon's Tale: Etching with Chine Colle
Dragonflies: Traditonal Japanese Wood Block
Dragonesque: Soft Ground Etching on St Armand Paper
Silver Scaled Dragon: Letterpress on handmade paper
2012 Year of the Dragon: Woodcut
Anno Draconis: Linocut on Japanese Paper
Year of the Dragon: Relief
Relic: Linocut
Puff the Magic Dragon: Collagraph
Dragon: Silkscreen
Dragon Constellation: Woodcut and Stencil
Year of the Dragon: Linocut
Dragon: Linocut
Year of the Dragon: Linocut
Year of the Dragon: Linocut
Year of the Dragon: Linocut
y Ddraig Goch: Woodcut
Dougie: Lift Ground Aquatint
The Big Box of Prints from Ottawa School of Art
Dragon Fruit: Linocut Reduction
Give and Take: Linocut
Victory: Linocut
Caspar, Friendly Dragon: Linocut
Chinese Emperor's King of Dragons: Linocut
Dragonesque: Dry Point Chine Colle
Pleine Lune: Mixed Media
Dragon: Linocut
BE FIERCE! Linocut
Year of the Dragon 2012: Intaglio
Draco: Linocut
Heeere Be Dragon Flies: Woodcut on found paper
Red Moon 2012: Silkscreen
Dragon Play Intaglio
L'Alex: Etching Drypoint and embossing
La Perle du Dragon: Drypoint and Linocut
Mail from all over the World with Dragons inside!
Water Dragon: Linocut
Year of the Dragon Linocut on Masa Paper
Dragon Fruit: Reduction Lino on Ho Sho Paper
Riding Your Inner Dragon in a Race Against.... St...
The Dragon and the Earth: Etching
Prosperity: Etching
Sea Dragon Linocut on Kozo Paper
Year of the Dragon: Silkscreen
Dragon Blossom: Relief on Rice Paper
Dragon: Woodcut
Happy New Year of the Dragon: Woodcut
Dragon: Intaglio
Jay the Laughing Dragon, Monotype Papercut
Laughing Dragon, Linocut
"There is a Dragon in My Garden": Woodblock
Kalevala Monster: Woodcut
Mayan Dragon: Woodblock on Japanese Paper
Baby Dragon: Woodcut on Japanese Paper
Happy Dragon: Woodblock
Souzou Tatsu - Creation Dragon Intaglio
Quetzalcoatl: Linocut
House Dragon, Mixed Media
Dragon Dance, Linocut
The Dream: Linoblock
Wilma's Waterdragons would willfully wander, Linocut
Year of the Dragon: Relief Polystren, linocut on g...
Year of the Dragon: Lithography/Chine Colle/Silksc...
Graham's Dragon, Woodcut
The Dragolfini Wedding: Zinc plate with soft & har...
Dragon Boating, Lino on Kingin Japanese paper
Calligramme Dragon: Linocut
Where have all the dragons gone? Silkscreen
Water Dragon, Linocut
Eclipse Dragon, Serigraphy
Dragons in Love, Etching with watercolour
Sunday Morning at the Dragon Cafe, Linocut
It's the 58th time...I saw that Dragon, ScreenPrint
I used to flame broil but now I prefer them fried....
"The Tayle of My Dragon", Linocut
Dragon Over Apple Cores: Intaglio
Dragon Eye: Intaglio
Year of the Dragon: Mezzotint
After Dinner Smoke, Linocut with hand colouring
Rebecca's Dragon: Linoblock
He Wood Block and Stain
"The Dragon Catcher" Screen Print
"draggin tale or dragonstale" Linocut
Paper Dragon: Collagraph
Paper Dragon: Wood Engraving embossed on Vandercook
Dragon Hill and the Vale of Whitehorse: Wood Engra...
Year of the Dragon: Linocut
"Dragon" Linocut Relief
Year of the Dragon: Wood Engraving
Matter of Survival: Alumingraph with heat transfer...
A Confederate Dragon - Stone Lithograph
Year of the Dragon
New Dragon
Sheila Jonah (PROOF Studio Gallery)