Saturday, February 11, 2012

'Dragon-Bot' - Etching Construction

'Celtic Dragon' - Linocut on Handmade Paper

'Leonard's Dragon' - Etching

Dragon: Silkscreen

A Dragon's Tale: Etching with Chine Colle

Dragonflies: Traditonal Japanese Wood Block

Dragonesque: Soft Ground Etching on St Armand Paper

Silver Scaled Dragon: Letterpress on handmade paper

2012 Year of the Dragon: Woodcut

Anno Draconis: Linocut on Japanese Paper

Year of the Dragon: Relief

Relic: Linocut

Puff the Magic Dragon: Collagraph

Dragon: Silkscreen

Dragon Constellation: Woodcut and Stencil

Year of the Dragon: Linocut

Dragon: Linocut

Year of the Dragon: Linocut

Year of the Dragon: Linocut

Year of the Dragon: Linocut

y Ddraig Goch: Woodcut

Dougie: Lift Ground Aquatint

The Big Box of Prints from Ottawa School of Art

Dragon Fruit: Linocut Reduction

Give and Take: Linocut

Victory: Linocut

Caspar, Friendly Dragon: Linocut

Chinese Emperor's King of Dragons: Linocut

Dragonesque: Dry Point Chine Colle

Pleine Lune: Mixed Media

Dragon: Linocut

BE FIERCE! Linocut

Year of the Dragon 2012: Intaglio

Draco: Linocut

Heeere Be Dragon Flies: Woodcut on found paper

Red Moon 2012: Silkscreen

Dragon Play Intaglio

L'Alex: Etching Drypoint and embossing

La Perle du Dragon: Drypoint and Linocut


Mail from all over the World with Dragons inside!

Water Dragon: Linocut

Year of the Dragon Linocut on Masa Paper

Dragon Fruit: Reduction Lino on Ho Sho Paper